

董海燕,副教授,生理教研室主任,湖州市年代好老师。研究内容和方向包括神经肽类激素对生理, 病理的调控作用和机制;环境中的激素对动物及人类的影响和作用机制。

主持49批博后基金一项;国自然青年基金一项;重点实验室开放基金课题一项;横向项目一项;教学改革项目一项,累计科研经费60多万元。以第一作者及通讯作者发表的SCI文章,SCI 收录的国际会议报告如下:

1.  Haiyan Dong1, 2*, Yunhai Wei3, Chao Xie1, Chao Sun1, Xiaoxuan Zhu1,Jianwei Sun1, Qianwen Fu1, Mengting Wu1, Lei Pan1, Yinghan Guo, Hong Shen1 and Jinyun Ye2* Structural and functional analysis of two novel somatostatin receptors identified from topmouth culter (Erythroculter ilishaeformis)   Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. 2018, 210: 18-29.

2. Chen W, Yan F, Qin S, Dong H*. Molecular cloning, expression analysis, and the immune-related role of a thymosin β in the goldfish, Carassius auratus. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2018 Oct 26. doi: 10.1007/s10695-018-0574-1. (通讯作者)

3. Haiyan Dong1, 2, Chao Xie1, Chao Sun1, Qianwen Fu1, Jirong Jia3 , WenSheng Li3 , Jinyun Ye1.The signaling pathway and immune regulation analysis of two novel somatosatin receptors from zebrafish (Danio rerio).  2018 International Confernece of Chinese Comparative Endocrinologists &12th Academic Conference of China Zoological Society for comparative Endocrinology  1-4 July 201828. (国际会议报告).

4. Dong H*, Chen W, Sun C, Sun J, Wang Y, Xie C, Fu Q, Zhu J, Ye J Identification, characterization of selenoprotein W and its mRNA expression patterns in response to somatostatin 14, cysteamine hydrochloride, 17β-estradiol and a binary mixture of 17β-estradiol and cysteamine hydrochloride in topmouth culter (Erythroculter ilishaeformis). Fish Physiol Biochem. 2017 Feb;43(1):115-126.

5. Chen W, Zhang Z, Yan F, Jiang X, Qin S, Dong H*. Identification of three selenoprotein T paralogs in goldfish (Carassius auratus) and expression analysis in response to environmental stressors.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B  2017 Jan;203:65-75.( 通讯作者)

6Haiyan Dong, Li Wensheng* and Lin Haoran*. Comparative analyses of sequence structure, evolution, and expression of four somatostatin receptors in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2010, 323 (2):125-36.

7Haiyan Dong, Lingxian Zeng, Da Duan, Haifa Zhang, Yunxin Wang, Wensheng Li* and Haoran Lin* . Growth hormone and two forms of insulin-like growth factors I in the giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus): molecular cloning and characterization of tissue distribution. Fish Physiol Biochem 2010, 36:201–212.

8Haiyan Dong, Wensheng Li, Ting Chen and Haoran Lin*. THE REGULATORS OF GROWTH HORMONE (GH) IN ORANGE-SPOTTED GOUPER (EPINEPHELUS COIOIDES).16th international Congress of Comparative Endocrinology, China 22-26 June, 2009, 173. (国际会议报告).

9Haiyan DongWensheng Li* and Haoran Lin*. cDNA CLONING AND MRNA EXPRESSION OF SOMATOSTATIN RECEPTOR TYPE TWO(SSTR2) IN ORANGE-SPOTTED GROUPER, EPINEPHELUS COIOIDES. 16th international Congress of Comparative Endocrinology HangKong S.A.R.,China 22-26 June,2009, 176. (国际会议报告).

10Haiyan DongLingxian ZengDa DuanDeping Zhang, Wensheng Li* and Haoran Lin* “GROWTH HORMONE AND TWO FORMS OF INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTORSIN GIANT GROUPER (EPINEPHELUS  LANCEOLATUS): MOLECULAR CLONING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TISSUE DISTRIBUTION”  Internation Conference of Comparative Physiology Biochemistry Toxicology and 6th Chinese Comparative Physiology Conference 10-14 October 2007, 25-26. (国际会议报告).

Postal address Department of Basic Medical Science, Huzhou University, 759 Erhuan East Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000, PR China.

E-mail addresses: 02196@zjhu.edu.cn.